New Tip Management!

Paw Partner Has A New Way To Manage Tips!

We are excited to release a new way to log, modify, and view your tips.  With our new tip management you will be able to log tips to a job type so that you can pool your tips and disperse them to your various segments of business.  You will also be able to allocate tips directly to individual employees so your commissioned employees can receive their specific tips.

Logging A Tip In The Tip Tab

When you are checking out you will now notice a new tip tab.  When you select this tab, you will be able to add tips to an individual employee or a segment of your business.  When the customer receives their receipt they will see "staff tip" as a line item on their receipt for the amount that you add in your tip tab.

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Logging A Tip Using Our Card Connect Terminal

If you are integrated with our Card Connect partner you will be able to use our terminal and will be able to push the total amount due to the customer on the terminal.  The customer will then be presented with an option to tip a suggested amount (selected by you when you set up your terminal).  The standard suggested amount is 10%, 15%, and 20%.  We have found that by using this "suggested tip amount" we have been able to double our tips received by staff.

When a customer gives you a tip on our terminal, Paw Partner will calculate how much of the amount due to the customer came from each of your departments and will distribute the tip based on that percentage.  For example if the amount due to the customer came 90% from boarding and 10% from grooming, then Paw Partner will automatically allocate 90% of that specific tip to boarding and 10% of that tip to Grooming.  You are able to reallocate those allotments by modifying the tip allocation. 

Modifying A Tip Allocation

Staff will occasionally allocate a tip incorrectly and you need a way to modify that.  Also, you may want to reallocate a tip that is allocated by using our terminal.  Paw Partner gives you an easy way to modify your tip allocation.  Simply click "Manager" then "Payments" to go to our payment register.  Once in the payment register go to the transaction and click "Manage Tips".

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Clicking "Manage Tips" will bring up the tip allocation of that specific transaction.  You can then reallocate those tips to the correct person or segment of business.  Make sure you scroll to the bottom and click "save".  Note: your reallocated tip amount MUST match the original tip total amount.

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Viewing The Tip Report

Paw Partner makes it easy to reconcile your tips and make sure that the go to the correct people.  In the Tip Report, you can select a date range and view which staff members and segments of business received tips during that time period.  You can also click on the numbers to pull up the specific transactions that made up the tips for that section.  This will let you double check to make sure everything is correct. 

To access your tip report click "Manager" -> "Reports" -> "Sales Reports" -> "Tip report"

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Morgan Berkan
Morgan Berkan @ 05/29/20 10:51:00AM
I love it! Haven't tested it out yet, but this all looks like a big improvement.


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